news overview

David Hawkins – Letting Go

Letting Go describes a simple and effective means by which to let go of the obstacles to Enlightenment and become […]
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Workshop safety culture and transformation in Antwerp

Exploring safety awareness. A question often asked is: “How do we make people more aware on safety”. Last week we […]
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Just like the stars in the Universe, we are all unique sparks in the same Universe. Unique in who we […]
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How language shapes the way we think

Or, how language shapes the way we experience life?! The work we do with Zhimble brings us to different countries […]
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Welcome to Zhimble

Welcome to the new Zhimble website. Zhimble is all about Transformation. “Transformations are growth changes that emerge from a source […]
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Transformation work in Germany… In German

From Intention to Possibility to Probability to Actuality… In the year 2013 I was standing in front of my coaching class […]
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How to explain Transformation

How do you explain transformation to someone? I mean plain and simple personal transformation. Not how organisations change into digital […]
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Cultural Transformation Workshop

I’m so thankful for the last 2.5 days! Yet another leap. These last 2 years together with Reinoud and Arjen […]
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Paris, s’eveille

Last week, transformation work brought me and a colleague back to France. Specifically in Paris this time. The previous time […]
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